'Baby Food Challenge | LEXI VS. DAD'

'Baby Food Challenge | LEXI VS. DAD'
08:18 Jul 26, 2024
'Lexi vs. Dad do the baby food challenge in their 3rd challenge towards    Lexi getting her MacBook Air!  Remember, she has to win 20 challenges! Stay tuned to see what disgusting flavors they have to try and who takes home the victory!  #VeeHive #LexiVee03   BUSINESS INQUIRIES: [email protected]' 

Tags: ENTERTAINMENT , Food , challenge , yummy , challenges , funny videos , baby , nasty , baby food , family friendly videos , kids react , dad , kid friendly videos , family events , lexi , gerber , baby food challenge , fgteev , funnel vision , family friendly youtube channel , Kids being silly , yucky , MacBook Air , skylander boy and girl , funny kids acting , funny home videos children , parents kids youtube channel , beechnut , lexi vs dad , lexi vs. dad , youtube family reality tv , baby food challenge lexi vs dad

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